How Much Alcohol to Buy for a Wedding

How Much Alcohol to Buy for a Wedding

Calculating the amount of alcohol to purchase for a wedding is crucial to ensure guests have an enjoyable and responsible experience. Numerous factors come into play, including guest count, drinking habits, duration of the event, and beverage options offered.

Understanding these factors will help you make an informed decision and avoid running out of drinks or overspending on surplus alcohol.

To determine an accurate estimate, consider the following key considerations:

How Much Alcohol to Buy for a Wedding

To determine the amount of alcohol to purchase, consider the following key considerations:

  • Guest count
  • Drinking habits
  • Event duration
  • Beverage options
  • Budget
  • Venue restrictions
  • Seasonality

By taking these factors into account, you can make an informed decision and ensure you have an adequate supply of alcohol for your wedding.

Guest count

The number of guests attending your wedding is a primary factor in determining how much alcohol to purchase. A good rule of thumb is to estimate one drink per guest per hour.

  • Light drinkers: 1-2 drinks per hour

    Guests who drink moderately will likely consume less alcohol overall.

  • Moderate drinkers: 2-3 drinks per hour

    This is a common average for most wedding guests.

  • Heavy drinkers: 3+ drinks per hour

    Consider having a designated driver or transportation options available for guests who may overindulge.

  • Non-drinkers: 0 drinks per hour

    Be sure to provide non-alcoholic beverage options for guests who do not drink alcohol.

Once you have estimated the average number of drinks per guest per hour, multiply that number by the total number of guests and the number of hours the event will last. This will give you a rough estimate of the total number of drinks you need to purchase.

Drinking habits

In addition to the guest count, the drinking habits of your guests will also influence how much alcohol you need to purchase. Consider the following factors:

Age: Younger guests tend to drink more heavily than older guests. Gender: Men typically drink more than women. Culture: Drinking habits can vary depending on the cultural background of your guests. Time of year: Guests are likely to drink more during warm weather months. Type of event: A formal wedding will likely have more moderate drinking than a casual reception.

Once you have considered these factors, you can make an informed decision about how much alcohol to purchase. It is always better to err on the side of caution and purchase slightly more alcohol than you think you will need, rather than running out.

Event duration

The length of your wedding event will also affect how much alcohol you need to purchase. A longer event will require more alcohol than a shorter one. Here are some general guidelines:

Cocktail hour: 1-2 drinks per guest Dinner: 2-3 drinks per guest Dancing: 1-2 drinks per guest per hour

If your event will include multiple activities, such as a cocktail hour, dinner, and dancing, you will need to estimate the amount of alcohol needed for each activity and add them together to get a total estimate. It is always better to have too much alcohol than not enough, so err on the side of caution when making your calculations.

Beverage options

The types of alcoholic beverages you offer will also affect how much you need to purchase. Beer and wine are typically more popular than hard liquor, so you will need to purchase more of these beverages. You should also consider the preferences of your guests when selecting your beverage options.

Here are some general guidelines for how much alcohol to purchase for each type of beverage:

Beer: 1 keg (1/2 barrel) for every 50 guests Wine: 1 bottle for every 5 guests Hard liquor: 1 bottle for every 25 guests

These are just general guidelines, so you may need to adjust the amounts based on the specific needs of your event. It is always better to have too much alcohol than not enough, so err on the side of caution when making your calculations.


Your budget will also play a role in determining how much alcohol you can purchase. Alcohol can be expensive, so it is important to set a budget and stick to it. Here are some tips for staying within your budget:

Negotiate with vendors: Many vendors are willing to negotiate on price, especially if you are purchasing a large quantity of alcohol. Buy in bulk: Purchasing alcohol in bulk can save you money. Consider cheaper brands: There are many affordable brands of alcohol available that are just as good as the more expensive brands. Make your own cocktails: Making your own cocktails can save you money compared to purchasing pre-made cocktails.

It is important to remember that alcohol is not a necessity for a wedding. If you are on a tight budget, you can choose to serve less alcohol or offer a limited selection of beverages. Your guests will still have a good time, even if they are not drinking alcohol.

Venue restrictions

Some venues have restrictions on the amount of alcohol that can be served. These restrictions may be due to local laws, insurance regulations, or the venue's own policies. It is important to check with your venue to find out if there are any restrictions on alcohol consumption.

If there are restrictions, you will need to adjust your alcohol purchasing plan accordingly. You may need to purchase less alcohol, or you may need to find a different venue that allows more alcohol.

It is also important to be aware of the venue's corkage fee policy. A corkage fee is a charge that some venues impose on guests who bring their own alcohol. If the venue you have chosen has a corkage fee, you will need to factor that into your budget.


The time of year your wedding takes place can also affect how much alcohol you need to purchase. Guests are more likely to drink alcohol during warm weather months, so you will need to purchase more alcohol if your wedding is taking place in the summer or spring.

Here are some general guidelines for how much alcohol to purchase for each season:

Spring: 1-2 drinks per guest per hour Summer: 2-3 drinks per guest per hour Fall: 1-2 drinks per guest per hour Winter: 0-1 drinks per guest per hour

It is important to remember that these are just general guidelines. You may need to adjust the amounts based on the specific needs of your event. It is always better to have too much alcohol than not enough, so err on the side of caution when making your calculations.


Here are some frequently asked questions about how much alcohol to buy for a wedding:

Question 1: How do I estimate how much alcohol I need?
Answer: A good rule of thumb is to estimate one drink per guest per hour. However, you may need to adjust this amount based on factors such as the drinking habits of your guests, the length of your event, and the types of alcoholic beverages you will be serving.

Question 2: What types of alcoholic beverages should I serve?
Answer: The types of alcoholic beverages you serve will depend on the preferences of your guests. However, some popular options include beer, wine, and cocktails.

Question 3: How do I stay within my budget?
Answer: There are several ways to stay within your budget when purchasing alcohol for your wedding. Consider negotiating with vendors, buying in bulk, and making your own cocktails.

Question 4: What should I do if I have leftover alcohol?
Answer: If you have leftover alcohol, you can return it to the vendor, donate it to a charity, or save it for another occasion.

Question 5: What are some tips for serving alcohol responsibly?
Answer: Some tips for serving alcohol responsibly include providing non-alcoholic beverage options, hiring a bartender to monitor alcohol consumption, and offering transportation options for guests who have been drinking.

Question 6: What should I do if I have guests who are underage?
Answer: If you have guests who are underage, it is important to ensure that they do not consume alcohol. You can do this by having a designated person monitor alcohol consumption and by providing non-alcoholic beverage options.

These are just a few of the most frequently asked questions about how much alcohol to buy for a wedding. If you have any other questions, please consult with a professional event planner or caterer.

In addition to the information provided in the FAQ, here are some additional tips for purchasing alcohol for your wedding:


Here are some additional tips for purchasing alcohol for your wedding:

Tip 1: Consider your guests' preferences. When selecting alcoholic beverages for your wedding, it is important to consider the preferences of your guests. If you have a lot of guests who prefer beer, for example, you will need to purchase more beer than wine or cocktails.

Tip 2: Set a budget and stick to it. Alcohol can be expensive, so it is important to set a budget and stick to it. There are several ways to save money on alcohol, such as buying in bulk, negotiating with vendors, and making your own cocktails.

Tip 3: Purchase a variety of beverages. It is a good idea to purchase a variety of alcoholic beverages so that your guests have a choice. Some popular options include beer, wine, cocktails, and non-alcoholic beverages.

Tip 4: Consider hiring a bartender. If you are having a large wedding, it may be helpful to hire a bartender to serve drinks. This can help to ensure that your guests are served quickly and efficiently.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you have the right amount of alcohol for your wedding and that your guests have a great time.

Now that you have all the information you need about how much alcohol to buy for your wedding, you can start planning your big day.


Determining how much alcohol to buy for a wedding can be a daunting task, but it is important to get it right. By following the tips and advice in this article, you can ensure that you have the right amount of alcohol for your big day and that your guests have a great time.

Here are some of the main points to remember:

  • Consider the guest count, drinking habits, event duration, beverage options, budget, venue restrictions, and seasonality when determining how much alcohol to purchase.
  • It is always better to have too much alcohol than not enough, so err on the side of caution when making your calculations.
  • There are several ways to save money on alcohol, such as buying in bulk, negotiating with vendors, and making your own cocktails.
  • If you are having a large wedding, consider hiring a bartender to serve drinks.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your wedding is a success and that your guests have a memorable experience.

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