How to Store a Wedding Dress

How to Store a Wedding Dress

Your wedding dress is one of the most important garments you will ever own. It is a symbol of your love and commitment, and it deserves to be treated with the utmost care. After your wedding day, you may wonder how to store your wedding dress so that it will last for many years to come.

There are a few things to keep in mind when storing your wedding dress. First, you need to make sure that it is clean. Any dirt or stains can damage the fabric over time. Second, you need to store the dress in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing it in a hot or humid environment, as this can also damage the fabric.

How to Store a Wedding Dress

Here are 10 important points to keep in mind when storing your wedding dress:

  • Clean the dress before storing.
  • Store the dress in a cool, dry place.
  • Avoid storing the dress in a hot or humid environment.
  • Use a breathable garment bag.
  • Hang the dress on a padded hanger.
  • Do not fold the dress.
  • Stuff the bodice with tissue paper.
  • Store the dress in a dark place.
  • Inspect the dress regularly for any damage.
  • Have the dress professionally cleaned every few years.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your wedding dress will last for many years to come.

Clean the dress before storing.

Before you store your wedding dress, it is important to clean it. This will remove any dirt or stains that could damage the fabric over time. You can clean your dress yourself or have it professionally cleaned.

  • If you are cleaning the dress yourself,

    follow the care instructions on the label. Be sure to use a gentle detergent and cold water. Avoid using bleach or harsh chemicals, as these can damage the fabric.

  • If you are having the dress professionally cleaned,

    take it to a reputable cleaner who specializes in wedding dress cleaning. The cleaner will be able to safely and effectively remove any dirt or stains from your dress.

  • Once the dress is clean,

    allow it to air dry completely. Do not put the dress in the dryer, as this can damage the fabric.

  • Once the dress is dry,

    you can store it in a cool, dry place.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your wedding dress will last for many years to come.

Avoid storing the dress in a hot or humid environment.

Heat and humidity can damage the fabric of your wedding dress. Avoid storing the dress in a hot or humid environment, such as an attic or basement. If you live in a humid climate, you may want to consider storing your dress in a climate-controlled storage unit.

If you must store your dress in a hot or humid environment, take steps to protect it from the elements. Wrap the dress in a breathable garment bag and place it in a sturdy box. You can also place a desiccant packet in the box to absorb moisture.

Check the dress regularly for any signs of damage. If you notice any damage, contact a professional wedding dress cleaner or conservator.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your wedding dress will last for many years to come.

Use a breathable garment bag.

A breathable garment bag will help to protect your wedding dress from dust and dirt. It will also allow the dress to breathe, which will help to prevent the fabric from becoming damaged.

When choosing a garment bag, look for one that is made from a breathable fabric, such as cotton or muslin. Avoid using plastic garment bags, as these can trap moisture and cause the dress to mildew.

Once you have chosen a garment bag, place the dress inside and zip it up. Be sure to leave some room around the dress so that it can breathe.

You can also use a garment bag to store your dress between wearings. This will help to keep the dress clean and protected from the elements.

Hang the dress on a padded hanger.

Hanging your wedding dress on a padded hanger will help to prevent the dress from stretching or tearing. It will also help to keep the dress's shape.

When choosing a hanger, look for one that is made from a sturdy material, such as wood or metal. Avoid using wire hangers, as these can damage the dress's fabric.

Once you have chosen a hanger, place the dress on the hanger and button or zip it up. Be sure to hang the dress in a cool, dry place.

You can also use a padded hanger to store your dress between wearings. This will help to keep the dress clean and protected from the elements.

Do not fold the dress.

Folding your wedding dress can damage the fabric and cause creases. It is important to hang the dress on a padded hanger to prevent this.

If you must fold the dress for storage, be sure to do so carefully. Fold the dress along the seams and avoid creasing the fabric.

You can also use acid-free tissue paper to help protect the dress from creases. Place the tissue paper between the folds of the dress.

Once you have folded the dress, place it in a breathable garment bag and store it in a cool, dry place.

Stuff the bodice with tissue paper.

Stuffing the bodice of your wedding dress with tissue paper will help to preserve its shape and prevent wrinkles. It will also help to absorb any moisture that may accumulate in the dress.

  • Use acid-free tissue paper.

    Acid-free tissue paper is less likely to damage the fabric of your dress.

  • Stuff the bodice loosely.

    Do not pack the tissue paper too tightly, as this can damage the dress.

  • Avoid using newspaper.

    Newspaper contains acids that can damage the fabric of your dress.

  • Replace the tissue paper regularly.

    The tissue paper will absorb moisture over time, so it is important to replace it regularly.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your wedding dress will last for many years to come.

Store the dress in a dark place.

Light can damage the fabric of your wedding dress. It is important to store the dress in a dark place, such as a closet or a storage unit.

If you must store the dress in a lighted area, be sure to cover it with a breathable garment bag. This will help to protect the dress from the sun's rays.

You can also use a UV filter to protect the dress from damage. UV filters are available in a variety of forms, such as sprays and films.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your wedding dress will last for many years to come.

Inspect the dress regularly for any damage.

It is important to inspect your wedding dress regularly for any damage. This will help you to identify any problems early on, so that you can take steps to repair them.

When inspecting your dress, look for any signs of wear and tear, such as rips, tears, or stains. You should also check the seams and zippers to make sure that they are in good condition.

If you find any damage to your dress, it is important to take it to a professional for repair. Do not attempt to repair the dress yourself, as this could further damage the fabric.

By inspecting your dress regularly, you can help to ensure that it will last for many years to come.

Have the dress professionally cleaned every few years.

Even if you store your wedding dress carefully, it is important to have it professionally cleaned every few years. This will help to remove any dirt or stains that may have accumulated over time.

When choosing a professional cleaner, be sure to choose one who specializes in wedding dress cleaning. These cleaners will have the experience and expertise to clean your dress safely and effectively.

When you take your dress to the cleaner, be sure to tell them how you have been storing the dress. This will help them to determine the best cleaning method for your dress.

Once your dress has been cleaned, be sure to store it properly to prevent it from becoming damaged.


Here are some frequently asked questions about how to store a wedding dress:

Question 1: How often should I have my wedding dress professionally cleaned?
Answer: You should have your wedding dress professionally cleaned every few years, or more often if it has been exposed to dirt or stains.

Question 2: Can I store my wedding dress in a plastic bag?
Answer: No, you should not store your wedding dress in a plastic bag. Plastic bags can trap moisture and cause the dress to mildew.

Question 3: What is the best way to fold a wedding dress?
Answer: You should not fold your wedding dress. Instead, hang it on a padded hanger.

Question 4: Can I store my wedding dress in a cedar chest?
Answer: Yes, you can store your wedding dress in a cedar chest. Cedar chests are naturally moth-repellent.

Question 5: How can I prevent my wedding dress from yellowing?
Answer: You can prevent your wedding dress from yellowing by storing it in a dark, cool place.

Question 6: What should I do if my wedding dress gets wet?
Answer: If your wedding dress gets wet, you should blot it dry with a clean towel and then hang it to dry in a well-ventilated area.

Question 7: How can I keep my wedding dress safe from pests?
Answer: You can keep your wedding dress safe from pests by storing it in a sealed container or by using mothballs or cedar chips.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ:

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your wedding dress will last for many years to come.


Here are a few additional tips for storing your wedding dress:

Tip 1: Choose the right storage container.
The best storage container for your wedding dress is a breathable garment bag made from a natural material, such as cotton or muslin. Avoid using plastic garment bags, as these can trap moisture and cause the dress to mildew.

Tip 2: Store the dress in a cool, dry place.
The ideal storage environment for a wedding dress is a cool, dry place with a stable temperature and humidity level. Avoid storing the dress in a hot or humid environment, as this can damage the fabric.

Tip 3: Hang the dress on a padded hanger.
Hanging your wedding dress on a padded hanger will help to prevent the dress from stretching or tearing. It will also help to keep the dress's shape.

Tip 4: Inspect the dress regularly for any damage.
It is important to inspect your wedding dress regularly for any damage, such as rips, tears, or stains. If you find any damage, take the dress to a professional for repair.

Closing Paragraph for Tips:

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your wedding dress will last for many years to come.


Storing your wedding dress properly is essential to preserving it for many years to come. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can help to ensure that your dress will remain in pristine condition.

Here is a summary of the main points:

  • Clean the dress before storing it.
  • Store the dress in a cool, dry place.
  • Avoid storing the dress in a hot or humid environment.
  • Use a breathable garment bag.
  • Hang the dress on a padded hanger.
  • Do not fold the dress.
  • Stuff the bodice with tissue paper.
  • Store the dress in a dark place.
  • Inspect the dress regularly for any damage.
  • Have the dress professionally cleaned every few years.

By following these simple steps, you can help to ensure that your wedding dress will last for many years to come.

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