Inside a Mormon Temple Wedding

Inside a Mormon Temple Wedding

Mormon temple weddings are unique and sacred ceremonies that hold great significance for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). These weddings take place in dedicated temples, which are considered the holiest places of worship within the LDS faith. The ceremonies are conducted by authorized priesthood leaders and are designed to be a spiritual and eternal union between a man and a woman.

Temple weddings are not open to the public, and only members of the LDS Church who have been properly prepared through temple recommends can attend. The ceremonies are typically simple and modest, with a focus on the spiritual aspects of marriage. They include covenants, ordinances, and symbolism that represent the couple's commitment to each other and to God.

The following paragraphs will provide a more detailed look inside a Mormon temple wedding, including the preparation, the ceremony itself, and the symbolism and significance of the event.

Inside a Mormon Temple Wedding

Mormon temple weddings are unique and sacred ceremonies that hold great significance for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). Here are 9 important points about these weddings:

  • Sacred and Eternal: Temple weddings are considered sacred and eternal covenants between a man and a woman.
  • Temple Recommend: Only members of the LDS Church with a temple recommend can attend temple weddings.
  • Modest and Simple: The ceremonies are typically simple and modest, with a focus on the spiritual aspects of marriage.
  • Covenants and Ordinances: The ceremonies include covenants, ordinances, and symbolism that represent the couple's commitment to each other and to God.
  • Sealing Power: Temple weddings are performed by authorized priesthood leaders who hold the sealing power, which binds families together for eternity.
  • Eternal Progression: Temple weddings are seen as a step towards eternal progression and exaltation.
  • Preparation: Couples preparing for a temple wedding must live according to LDS standards and receive temple recommends.
  • Temple Garments: Couples wear special temple garments as a reminder of their covenants and as a symbol of their commitment to God.
  • Eternal Family: Temple weddings are seen as a way to create an eternal family unit that can continue beyond this life.

Mormon temple weddings are a significant and sacred part of the LDS faith, and they represent the couple's commitment to each other and to God.

Sacred and Eternal: Temple weddings are considered sacred and eternal covenants between a man and a woman.

In the LDS faith, marriage is seen as a sacred and eternal union between a man and a woman. Temple weddings are considered to be the most sacred and eternal type of marriage, as they are performed in dedicated temples and sealed by the authority of the priesthood. These covenants are believed to extend beyond this life and into the eternities.

During a temple wedding ceremony, the couple makes a series of covenants with God and with each other. These covenants include promises to live according to LDS standards, to be faithful to each other, and to strive to achieve eternal progression together. The couple is also sealed together for time and all eternity, meaning that their marriage will continue after this life and into the eternities.

The sealing ordinance is performed by an authorized priesthood leader who holds the sealing power. This power was first given to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and has been passed down through the generations to LDS priesthood leaders today. The sealing ordinance is considered to be a sacred and eternal covenant that binds the couple together for time and all eternity.

Temple weddings are seen as a way to create an eternal family unit that can continue beyond this life. LDS couples believe that by being sealed in the temple, they are not only creating a strong and lasting marriage, but they are also ensuring that their family can be together forever.

The sacred and eternal nature of temple weddings is a fundamental part of the LDS faith. These weddings are seen as a way to create strong and lasting marriages that can withstand the challenges of life and continue into the eternities.

Temple Recommend: Only members of the LDS Church with a temple recommend can attend temple weddings.

In order to attend a temple wedding, members of the LDS Church must have a temple recommend. A temple recommend is a document that certifies that the member is in good standing with the Church and that they have been interviewed by their bishop or branch president and found to be worthy to enter the temple.

  • Worthiness: To be worthy of a temple recommend, members must be living according to LDS standards, including being faithful in their temple covenants, paying their tithing, and obeying the Word of Wisdom.
  • Interview: Members must meet with their bishop or branch president for a temple recommend interview. During this interview, the member will be asked about their adherence to LDS standards and their worthiness to enter the temple.
  • Expiration: Temple recommends are typically valid for two years, after which time members must renew their recommend by meeting with their bishop or branch president again.
  • Respect: Having a temple recommend is a privilege, and members are expected to treat it with respect. They are to keep their recommend clean and undamaged and to present it whenever they enter the temple.

The temple recommend system helps to ensure that only worthy members are able to attend temple weddings and other sacred ordinances. It is a way to protect the sanctity of the temple and to create a sacred and reverent environment for these special occasions.

Modest and Simple: The ceremonies are typically simple and modest, with a focus on the spiritual aspects of marriage.

Mormon temple weddings are typically simple and modest, with a focus on the spiritual aspects of marriage rather than on elaborate decorations or lavish receptions. This is in keeping with the LDS belief that marriage is a sacred covenant between a man and a woman and that the temple is a holy place.

  • Sacred Focus: The simplicity of the церемонии emphasizes the sacred nature of the occasion and helps to create a reverent atmosphere.
  • Equality: The modest nature of the ceremonies also reflects the LDS belief in the equality of men and women. Both the bride and groom are actively involved in the ceremony, and there is no emphasis on one partner being more important than the other.
  • Spiritual Emphasis: The focus on the spiritual aspects of marriage helps the couple to remember the eternal significance of their covenants and to set the tone for a lifelong journey of spiritual growth together.
  • Personalization: While the ceremonies are generally simple and modest, couples are able to personalize their weddings to some extent. They can choose the music, the readings, and the officiant who will perform the ceremony.

The simplicity and modesty of Mormon temple weddings are a reflection of the LDS faith's focus on the spiritual aspects of marriage. These ceremonies are designed to be a sacred and meaningful experience for the couple and to help them to begin their new life together on a strong spiritual foundation.

Covenants and Ordinances: The ceremonies include covenants, ordinances, and symbolism that represent the couple's commitment to each other and to God.

Mormon temple weddings include a number of sacred covenants, ordinances, and symbols that represent the couple's commitment to each other and to God. These include:

Covenants: During the ceremony, the couple makes a series of covenants with God and with each other. These covenants include promises to live according to LDS standards, to be faithful to each other, and to strive to achieve eternal progression together.

Ordinances: The ordinances performed in the temple are sacred and symbolic acts that represent the couple's commitment to each other and to God. These ordinances include the sealing ordinance, which binds the couple together for time and all eternity, and the endowment, which helps the couple to receive the fulness of God's blessings.

Symbolism: The temple wedding ceremony is rich in symbolism that represents the couple's journey together. For example, the white clothing worn by the couple represents purity and innocence, and the veil worn by the bride represents her modesty and virtue.

These covenants, ordinances, and symbols all work together to create a sacred and meaningful experience for the couple. They help the couple to understand the eternal significance of their marriage and to make a lifelong commitment to each other and to God.

The covenants, ordinances, and symbolism of the Mormon temple wedding ceremony are a powerful reminder of the sacred and eternal nature of marriage. These elements help to create a strong and lasting foundation for the couple's marriage and provide them with the spiritual guidance they need to navigate the challenges of life together.

Sealing Power: Temple weddings are performed by authorized priesthood leaders who hold the sealing power, which binds families together for eternity.

The sealing power is a sacred authority that allows authorized priesthood leaders to perform ordinances that bind families together for eternity. This power was first given to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and has been passed down through the generations to LDS priesthood leaders today.

In the temple, the sealing power is used to seal couples together for time and all eternity. This means that the marriage is not only for this life, but it will continue after death and into the eternities. The sealing ordinance is performed by an authorized priesthood leader who holds the sealing keys. This leader is typically the temple president or one of his counselors.

The sealing ordinance is a sacred and eternal covenant. It is a promise between the couple and God that they will be faithful to each other and that they will strive to live according to LDS standards. The sealing ordinance also binds the couple's children to them for eternity. This means that the family unit will be preserved even after death.

The sealing power is a powerful and sacred gift. It is a blessing that allows families to be together forever. LDS couples who are sealed in the temple can be assured that their marriage will endure the challenges of life and continue into the eternities.

The sealing power is a fundamental part of the LDS faith. It is a testimony of the eternal nature of families and the importance of marriage. LDS couples who are sealed in the temple can be confident that their marriage will be a source of strength and joy both in this life and in the eternities.

Eternal Progression: Temple weddings are seen as a step towards eternal progression and exaltation.

LDS couples believe that temple marriage is a necessary step towards eternal progression and exaltation. Eternal progression is the process of becoming more like God and inheriting all that He has. Exaltation is the highest level of eternal progression and is achieved through obedience to God's commandments and ordinances, including temple marriage.

In the temple, couples make sacred covenants with God and with each other. These covenants include promises to live according to LDS standards, to be faithful to each other, and to strive to achieve eternal progression together. By keeping these covenants, couples can progress together towards exaltation.

The sealing ordinance is particularly important for eternal progression. This ordinance binds couples together for time and all eternity and allows them to receive the fulness of God's blessings. The sealing ordinance also binds the couple's children to them for eternity, creating an eternal family unit.

Temple marriage is a sacred and eternal covenant that helps couples to progress towards eternal progression and exaltation. By making and keeping these covenants, couples can create a strong and lasting marriage that will endure the challenges of life and continue into the eternities.

LDS couples who are sealed in the temple can be assured that their marriage will be a source of strength and joy both in this life and in the eternities. Temple marriage is a step towards eternal progression and exaltation, and it is a blessing that can help couples to achieve their full potential.

Preparation: Couples preparing for a temple wedding must live according to LDS standards and receive temple recommends.

In order to prepare for a temple wedding, couples must live according to LDS standards and receive temple recommends. This means that they must be faithful in keeping the commandments, attending their religious meetings, and serving others. They must also be worthy to enter the temple, which means that they must be free from serious transgressions and have a current temple recommend.

  • Worthiness: Couples must be living according to LDS standards and be worthy to enter the temple in order to be married in the temple.
  • Temple Recommend: Couples must obtain a temple recommend from their bishop or branch president. A temple recommend is a document that certifies that the couple is worthy to enter the temple.
  • Preparation Classes: Many LDS couples choose to attend temple preparation classes before their wedding. These classes help couples to learn more about the temple and the sacred ordinances that will be performed during their wedding.
  • Fasting and Prayer: Couples typically fast and pray before their temple wedding. This helps them to prepare spiritually for their wedding and to receive the blessings of the Lord.

The preparation process for a temple wedding helps couples to be spiritually and emotionally ready for their wedding day. By living according to LDS standards and receiving temple recommends, couples can ensure that their wedding will be a sacred and meaningful experience.

Temple Garments: Couples wear special temple garments as a reminder of their covenants and as a symbol of their commitment to God.

During their temple wedding, couples are given special temple garments to wear. These garments are white and are worn under regular clothing. They are a reminder of the covenants that the couple has made in the temple and a symbol of their commitment to God.

Temple garments are not only a physical reminder of the covenants that the couple has made, but they are also a spiritual protection. They help the couple to remember their covenants and to resist temptation. The garments also serve as a reminder of the sacred nature of the temple and the ordinances that are performed there.

Couples are expected to wear their temple garments at all times, except when they are sleeping or exercising. The garments are a constant reminder of the covenants that they have made and the commitment that they have made to God.

Temple garments are a sacred and important part of the LDS faith. They are a reminder of the covenants that the couple has made, a symbol of their commitment to God, and a spiritual protection.

LDS couples who wear their temple garments faithfully can be assured that they will receive the blessings of the Lord. The garments are a reminder of the sacred covenants that they have made and a help to them in living according to those covenants.

Eternal Family: Temple weddings are seen as a way to create an eternal family unit that can continue beyond this life.

One of the most important aspects of temple weddings is the creation of an eternal family unit. LDS couples believe that the family is central to the plan of salvation and that families can be together forever through the sealing ordinance performed in the temple.

  • Sealing Ordinance: The sealing ordinance binds families together for time and all eternity. This means that the marriage and family relationships that are created in the temple will continue after death and into the eternities.
  • Children: Children born to a couple who are sealed in the temple are automatically sealed to their parents. This means that the family unit is preserved even after death.
  • Generations: The sealing ordinance can be performed for generations of a family. This means that families can be linked together for eternity, creating a strong and eternal bond.
  • Exaltation: The ultimate goal of LDS couples is to achieve exaltation, which is the highest level of eternal progression. Exaltation can only be achieved through the sealing ordinance and the creation of an eternal family.

Temple weddings are a sacred and eternal covenant that helps couples to create an eternal family unit that can continue beyond this life. Through the sealing ordinance, couples can be assured that their marriage and family relationships will endure the challenges of life and continue into the eternities.


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about Mormon temple weddings:

Question 1: Who can attend a temple wedding?
Only members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who have a temple recommend can attend temple weddings.

Question 2: What is a temple recommend?
A temple recommend is a document that certifies that the member is worthy to enter the temple. To obtain a temple recommend, members must meet with their bishop or branch president and be interviewed about their adherence to LDS standards.

Question 3: What happens during a temple wedding ceremony?
The temple wedding ceremony is a sacred and eternal covenant that includes the exchange of vows, the sealing ordinance, and the endowment. The sealing ordinance binds the couple together for time and all eternity, and the endowment helps the couple to receive the fulness of God's blessings.

Question 4: What is the significance of the white clothing worn by the couple?
The white clothing worn by the couple represents purity and innocence.

Question 5: What is the purpose of the temple garments?
Temple garments are special clothing that is worn by members of the LDS Church who have received their endowment. The garments are a reminder of the covenants that the members have made in the temple and a symbol of their commitment to God.

Question 6: What is the eternal significance of a temple marriage?
Temple marriages are seen as a way to create an eternal family unit that can continue beyond this life. Through the sealing ordinance, couples can be assured that their marriage and family relationships will endure the challenges of life and continue into the eternities.

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about Mormon temple weddings. For more information, please visit the LDS Church's website or contact your local LDS meetinghouse.

In addition to the FAQ, here are some tips for attending a Mormon temple wedding:


Here are a few tips for attending a Mormon temple wedding:

1. Be respectful. Temple weddings are sacred and eternal events. Please be respectful of the couple and their families by dressing modestly and behaving reverently.

2. Arrive on time. Temple weddings typically start on time, so please arrive a few minutes early to allow yourself time to find your seat.

3. Turn off your cell phone. Temple weddings are a time to focus on the couple and the sacred ordinances being performed. Please turn off your cell phone and other electronic devices before entering the temple.

4. Be prepared to participate. During the temple wedding ceremony, you will be asked to stand and sit at various times. Please be prepared to participate in the ceremony as directed by the officiant.

By following these tips, you can help to create a sacred and meaningful experience for the couple and their families.

Attending a Mormon temple wedding is a unique and special experience. By following these tips, you can help to ensure that the event is a memorable and meaningful one for all involved.


Mormon temple weddings are sacred and eternal events that hold great significance for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. These weddings are performed in dedicated temples and are designed to be a spiritual and eternal union between a man and a woman.

The main points of this article include:

  • Temple weddings are considered sacred and eternal covenants between a man and a woman.
  • Only members of the LDS Church with a temple recommend can attend temple weddings.
  • The ceremonies are typically simple and modest, with a focus on the spiritual aspects of marriage.
  • The ceremonies include covenants, ordinances, and symbolism that represent the couple's commitment to each other and to God.
  • Temple weddings are performed by authorized priesthood leaders who hold the sealing power, which binds families together for eternity.
  • Temple weddings are seen as a step towards eternal progression and exaltation.
  • Couples preparing for a temple wedding must live according to LDS standards and receive temple recommends.
  • Couples wear special temple garments as a reminder of their covenants and as a symbol of their commitment to God.
  • Temple weddings are seen as a way to create an eternal family unit that can continue beyond this life.

In conclusion, Mormon temple weddings are a sacred and eternal covenant that helps couples to create a strong and lasting marriage that can withstand the challenges of life and continue into the eternities.

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