Message for Couple Wedding

Message for Couple Wedding

A wedding is a momentous occasion that marks the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of two people. It is a day to celebrate love, commitment, and the promise of a future together. As you embark on this new journey, it is essential to have a strong foundation of love, respect, and communication.

Marriage is a partnership, and it is important to remember that you are in this together. There will be times when you agree and times when you disagree, but it is crucial to always approach each other with love and respect. Be willing to compromise and find solutions that work for both of you.

pesan untuk pasangan nikah

Di hari bahagianya ini, kami mendoakan semoga bahtera rumah tangga yang baru anda berdua bina, dipenuhi dengan kebahagiaan, kehangatan, dan kasih sayang yang tiada habisnya.

  • Saling mencintai
  • Saling menghargai
  • Saling melengkapi
  • Saling menguatkan
  • Saling memaafkan
  • Saling mendukung
  • Saling mendoakan
  • Selalu bahagia

Semoga Allah SWT senantiasa melimpahi anda berdua dengan rahmat dan hidayah-nya. Selamat menempuh babak baru dalam kehidupan. Barakallahu laka wa barakallah alaika.

Saling mencintai

Love is the foundation of any marriage, and it is essential to keep the flame of love alive throughout your lives together. Make time for each other each day, even if it's just for a few minutes. Talk to each other, share your thoughts and feelings, and show each other how much you care.

Physical affection is also an important part of a loving relationship. Hold hands, cuddle, and kiss each other often. These small gestures can make a big difference in keeping your relationship strong.

It is also important to be supportive of each other's dreams and goals. Encourage each other to pursue your passions, and be there for each other through thick and thin.

Love is a verb, and it takes effort to maintain a loving relationship. But it is worth it, because love is the glue that holds a marriage together.

Saling menghargai

Respect is another important pillar of a healthy marriage. It means valuing your partner's opinions, feelings, and needs. It means listening to each other without interrupting, and it means being supportive of each other's decisions.

It is also important to respect each other's differences. You may not always agree on everything, but you should always be able to respect each other's perspectives.

Respect is also shown through your actions. Be kind and considerate to each other, and always put your partner's needs before your own.

When you respect each other, you create a strong foundation for your marriage. You create a relationship where both of you feel valued and loved.

Saling melengkapi

No two people are exactly alike, and that's what makes a partnership so special. When you marry someone, you are not just marrying one person; you are marrying their entire family, their history, and their unique perspective on the world.

  • Strengths and weaknesses

    We all have our own strengths and weaknesses. A good marriage is one where each partner complements the other's strengths and weaknesses. For example, if one partner is good at managing money, and the other is good at creative problem-solving, they can work together to create a strong financial foundation for their family.

  • Interests and hobbies

    It is also important to have shared interests and hobbies. This gives you something to talk about and do together, and it can help you to build a strong bond.

  • Values and beliefs

    While it is not necessary to agree on everything, it is important to share the same core values and beliefs. This will help you to make decisions together and to raise your children in a consistent way.

  • Dreams and goals

    It is also important to have shared dreams and goals. This will give you something to work towards together, and it will help you to stay motivated and focused.

When you are able to complement each other, you create a strong and lasting marriage. You create a relationship where both of you feel supported and loved.

Saling menguatkan

Marriage is a partnership, and it is important to be there for each other through thick and thin. This means being supportive of each other's dreams and goals, and being there for each other when times are tough.

There will be times when one partner is feeling down or discouraged. It is important to be there for your partner during these times, and to offer your support and encouragement. Remind your partner of their strengths, and help them to see the positive side of things.

There will also be times when one partner is facing a challenge or difficulty. It is important to be there for your partner during these times, and to help them to overcome their challenges. Offer your help and support, and let your partner know that you are there for them.

When you support and encourage each other, you create a strong and lasting marriage. You create a relationship where both of you feel loved and supported.

Saling memaafkan

No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. It is important to be able to forgive your partner when they make a mistake, and to move on from the past.

  • Apologize sincerely

    The first step to forgiveness is a sincere apology. Your apology should be specific, and it should explain what you did wrong and why you are sorry. It is also important to take responsibility for your actions, and to avoid making excuses.

  • Be willing to forgive

    Once your partner has apologized, it is important to be willing to forgive them. This does not mean that you condone their behavior, but it does mean that you are letting go of the anger and resentment that you may be feeling.

  • Move on from the past

    Once you have forgiven your partner, it is important to move on from the past. This means letting go of the anger and resentment that you may be feeling, and focusing on the future.

  • Seek professional help if needed

    If you are unable to forgive your partner on your own, it may be helpful to seek professional help. A therapist can help you to understand your feelings and to develop coping mechanisms.

Forgiveness is a powerful tool that can help you to heal from the past and to build a stronger relationship with your partner.

Saling mendukung

Marriage is a partnership, and it is important to be there for each other through thick and thin. This means supporting each other's dreams and goals, and being there for each other when times are tough.

There will be times when one partner is feeling down or discouraged. It is important to be there for your partner during these times, and to offer your support and encouragement. Remind your partner of their strengths, and help them to see the positive side of things.

There will also be times when one partner is facing a challenge or difficulty. It is important to be there for your partner during these times, and to help them to overcome their challenges. Offer your help and support, and let your partner know that you are there for them.

When you support each other, you create a strong and lasting marriage. You create a relationship where both of you feel loved and supported.

Saling mendoakan

Prayer is a powerful way to connect with God and to ask for His help and guidance. When you pray for your spouse, you are not only asking God to bless them, but you are also expressing your love and support for them.

There are many different ways to pray for your spouse. You can pray for their health, their safety, their happiness, and their spiritual growth. You can also pray for their specific needs, such as a job promotion or a successful surgery.

No matter what you pray for, the most important thing is to pray with a sincere heart. When you pray for your spouse, you are opening your heart to God and asking Him to be a part of your marriage.

Praying for your spouse is a beautiful way to show your love and support. It is also a way to connect with God and to ask for His help and guidance in your marriage.

Selalu bahagia

Happiness is a choice, and it is something that you can create in your marriage. There are many things that you can do to make your marriage happier, such as:

  • Spend quality time together

    One of the most important things you can do for your marriage is to spend quality time together. This means setting aside time each day to talk, laugh, and connect with each other.

  • Show your appreciation

    It is important to show your spouse how much you appreciate them. This can be done through words, actions, or gifts.

  • Be supportive

    Be there for your spouse through thick and thin. Support their dreams and goals, and be there for them when they need you.

  • Forgive each other

    No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. It is important to be able to forgive your spouse when they make a mistake.

Marriage is a journey, and there will be ups and downs along the way. But if you are committed to each other and you are willing to work together, you can create a happy and lasting marriage.


Here are some frequently asked questions about marriage:

Question 1: What is the most important thing in a marriage?
Answer: Love, respect, and communication are the most important things in a marriage.

Question 2: How can I keep the spark alive in my marriage?
Answer: Spend quality time together, show your appreciation, be supportive, and forgive each other.

Question 3: What are some tips for a happy and lasting marriage?
Answer: Communicate openly and honestly, be supportive of each other's dreams and goals, and be willing to forgive each other.

Question 4: What are some common challenges that couples face in marriage?
Answer: Some common challenges that couples face in marriage include financial problems, infidelity, and communication issues.

Question 5: How can I overcome challenges in my marriage?
Answer: Communicate openly and honestly with your spouse, seek professional help if needed, and be willing to work together to overcome your challenges.

Question 6: What is the secret to a successful marriage?
Answer: There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, but some key ingredients for a successful marriage include love, respect, communication, and forgiveness.

Marriage is a journey, and there will be ups and downs along the way. But if you are committed to each other and you are willing to work together, you can create a happy and lasting marriage.


Here are some tips for a happy and lasting marriage:

Communicate openly and honestly.

Communication is key in any relationship, but it is especially important in marriage. Make sure to talk to your spouse about your thoughts, feelings, and needs. Be honest with each other, even when it is difficult.

Be supportive of each other's dreams and goals.

It is important to be there for your spouse when they need you. This means being supportive of their dreams and goals, even if they are different from your own. Be their biggest fan and cheerleader.

Be willing to forgive each other.

No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. It is important to be able to forgive your spouse when they make a mistake. Forgiveness is not about forgetting what happened, but it is about letting go of the anger and resentment that you may be feeling.

Spend quality time together.

In the busyness of life, it is important to make time for each other. Spend quality time together talking, laughing, and connecting with each other. This will help to keep your relationship strong.

Marriage is a journey, and there will be ups and downs along the way. But if you are committed to each other and you are willing to work together, you can create a happy and lasting marriage.


Marriage is a sacred union between two people who love and care for each other. It is a commitment to spend the rest of your lives together, through good times and bad. If you are lucky enough to find someone to spend your life with, cherish them and never take them for granted.

The key to a happy and lasting marriage is communication, compromise, and forgiveness. It is also important to be supportive of each other's dreams and goals, and to spend quality time together. Marriage is not always easy, but it is worth it if you find the right person to spend your life with.

So if you are thinking about getting married, take your time and choose your partner carefully. Marriage is a big decision, but it is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. With love, commitment, and a little bit of work, you can create a marriage that will last a lifetime.

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