Wedding Party Processional Songs: A Comprehensive Guide

Wedding Party Processional Songs: A Comprehensive Guide

Wedding processional songs create an unforgettable ambiance as the bride and groom walk down the aisle. Choosing the perfect music for this special moment can set the tone for the entire celebration. Whether you prefer traditional hymns, contemporary love songs, or something in between, there are countless options to consider.

Selecting wedding party processional songs should reflect the couple's personalities and the style of their wedding. From elegant classics to upbeat contemporary tunes, the possibilities are endless. It's important to consider the lyrics, tempo, and overall mood of the song to ensure it aligns with the atmosphere you wish to create.

To help you navigate the vast selection of wedding party processional songs, this comprehensive guide will delve into various categories and provide specific recommendations to cater to different preferences and styles.

wedding party processional songs

When selecting wedding party processional songs, consider the following important points:

  • Reflect personalities
  • Match wedding style
  • Consider lyrics
  • Mind the tempo
  • Create desired mood
  • Variety of genres
  • Acoustics or live music
  • Processional order
  • Personal significance

By keeping these points in mind, couples can choose wedding party processional songs that create a meaningful and memorable moment as they walk down the aisle.

Reflect personalities

Wedding party processional songs should reflect the personalities of the couple and their wedding. This means choosing songs that represent their musical tastes, their relationship, and the overall atmosphere they want to create for their ceremony.

  • Personal favorites: If there's a song that holds special meaning for the couple, such as the song they first danced to or the song that was playing when they got engaged, it's a great choice for a processional song.
  • Musical genre: The couple's favorite musical genre can also be reflected in their processional song. Whether it's classical, pop, rock, or country, choosing a song that fits their musical style will help to create a personalized and meaningful ceremony.
  • Lyrics: The lyrics of the processional song should also reflect the couple's personalities and relationship. Songs with romantic, heartfelt, or uplifting lyrics can help to create a special and emotional moment as the couple walks down the aisle.
  • Tempo: The tempo of the processional song can also be used to reflect the couple's personalities. A slow and romantic song can create a more formal and elegant atmosphere, while a more upbeat and lively song can create a more fun and celebratory mood.

By choosing a processional song that reflects their personalities, the couple can create a truly unique and memorable moment as they walk down the aisle.

Match wedding style

The wedding party processional songs should also match the style of the wedding. This means considering the overall tone and atmosphere of the ceremony, as well as the specific details of the venue and décor.

For example, a formal wedding in a grand ballroom may call for more traditional and elegant processional songs, such as classical pieces or romantic ballads. A more casual wedding in a garden or outdoor setting may be better suited for more upbeat and contemporary songs.

The venue can also play a role in the choice of processional songs. A large cathedral with high ceilings may require songs with a more powerful and resonant sound, while a smaller, more intimate venue may be better suited for softer and more delicate songs.

Finally, the décor of the wedding can also be taken into consideration when choosing processional songs. For example, a wedding with a rustic theme may be complemented by songs with acoustic guitars and folk instruments, while a more modern wedding may be better suited for songs with electronic beats and synthesizers.

By matching the processional songs to the style of the wedding, the couple can create a cohesive and memorable ceremony that reflects their unique personalities and preferences.

Consider lyrics

The lyrics of the wedding party processional songs should also be carefully considered. This is because the lyrics will help to set the tone and atmosphere of the ceremony, and they can also convey a special message from the couple to their guests.

For example, a couple who wants to create a romantic and heartfelt ceremony may choose a song with lyrics that express their love and commitment to each other. A couple who wants to create a more upbeat and celebratory ceremony may choose a song with lyrics that are more lighthearted and fun.

It is also important to consider the lyrics in relation to the specific readings and vows that will be exchanged during the ceremony. The processional songs should complement the other elements of the ceremony and help to create a cohesive and meaningful experience for all involved.

Finally, the couple should make sure that they are comfortable with the lyrics of the processional songs. They should choose songs that they enjoy and that they feel represent them as a couple.

By carefully considering the lyrics of the wedding party processional songs, the couple can create a ceremony that is both meaningful and memorable.

Mind the tempo

The tempo of the wedding party processional songs should also be carefully considered. This is because the tempo will help to create the overall mood and atmosphere of the ceremony.

  • Slow and romantic: A slow and romantic tempo can create a more formal and elegant atmosphere. This type of tempo is often used for traditional wedding ceremonies and for processional songs that are抒情.
  • Medium and upbeat: A medium tempo can create a more upbeat and celebratory atmosphere. This type of tempo is often used for more contemporary wedding ceremonies and for processional songs that are more lively and fun.
  • Fast and energetic: A fast and energetic tempo can create a more exciting and festive atmosphere. This type of tempo is often used for outdoor weddings and for processional songs that are more uptempo and danceable.
  • Mix of tempos: It is also possible to mix different tempos throughout the processional. For example, the processional could start with a slow and romantic song for the bridesmaids and groomsmen, and then transition to a more upbeat song for the bride and groom.

By carefully considering the tempo of the wedding party processional songs, the couple can create a ceremony that has the perfect mood and atmosphere for their special day.

Create desired mood

The wedding party processional songs should also be chosen to create the desired mood for the ceremony. This means considering the overall tone and atmosphere that the couple wants to create for their special day.

  • Romantic and heartfelt: Romantic and heartfelt songs can create a warm and intimate atmosphere. This type of song is often used for traditional weddings and for ceremonies that are focused on love and commitment.
  • Upbeat and celebratory: Upbeat and celebratory songs can create a more festive and joyful atmosphere. This type of song is often used for more contemporary weddings and for ceremonies that are focused on celebration and fun.
  • Solemn and reverent: Solemn and reverent songs can create a more formal and respectful atmosphere. This type of song is often used for religious weddings and for ceremonies that are focused on spirituality and tradition.
  • Mix of moods: It is also possible to mix different moods throughout the processional. For example, the processional could start with a romantic and heartfelt song for the bridesmaids and groomsmen, and then transition to a more upbeat and celebratory song for the bride and groom.

By carefully considering the mood of the wedding party processional songs, the couple can create a ceremony that has the perfect atmosphere for their special day.

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Acoustics or live music

Another important decision to make is whether to use acoustics or live music for the wedding party processional songs. Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Acoustics: Acoustic songs are typically performed by a single musician or a small group of musicians, using acoustic instruments such as guitars, violins, and cellos. Acoustics can create a more intimate and personal atmosphere, and they can be a good choice for smaller weddings or ceremonies in more intimate settings.

Live music: Live music can create a more grand and festive atmosphere, and it can be a good choice for larger weddings or ceremonies in more formal settings. Live bands can also provide a wider range of musical options, and they can be more flexible in terms of tempo and volume.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to use acoustics or live music for the wedding party processional songs is a matter of personal preference. The couple should consider the size and style of their wedding, as well as their own musical tastes, when making this decision.

Here are some additional factors to consider when choosing between acoustics and live music:

  • Cost: Live music is typically more expensive than acoustics.
  • Availability: It is important to book live musicians well in advance, as they may be booked for other events on your wedding date.
  • Rehearsal: If you are using live music, it is important to have a rehearsal with the musicians before the wedding to ensure that they are familiar with the songs and the processional order.

Processional order

The processional order is another important factor to consider when choosing wedding party processional songs. The processional order will determine the order in which the wedding party enters the ceremony, and it can also affect the tempo and mood of the songs.

  • Traditional processional order: In a traditional processional order, the bridesmaids and groomsmen enter first, followed by the bride and groom. The bridesmaids and groomsmen typically walk in pairs, and the bride and groom walk together at the end.
  • Non-traditional processional order: There are many different variations on the traditional processional order. For example, the bridesmaids and groomsmen could walk in together, or they could walk in alternating pairs. The bride and groom could also enter the ceremony separately, or they could walk together with their parents.
  • Mixed processional order: A mixed processional order is a combination of traditional and non-traditional elements. For example, the bridesmaids and groomsmen could walk in together, but the bride and groom could enter the ceremony separately.
  • Processional with readings or music: The processional can also be combined with readings or music. For example, a bridesmaid or groomsman could read a poem or a scripture passage before the bride and groom enter the ceremony. Or, a musician could play a special song as the wedding party walks down the aisle.

When choosing the processional order, the couple should consider the size and style of their wedding, as well as their own personal preferences. They should also work with their officiant to ensure that the processional order is consistent with the ceremony.

Personal significance

Finally, the wedding party processional songs should have personal significance to the couple. This could mean choosing songs that have been special to them throughout their relationship, or songs that reflect their personalities and values.

  • Songs from your relationship: If there are any songs that have been special to you and your partner throughout your relationship, such as the song you first danced to or the song that was playing when you got engaged, these could be great choices for your processional songs.
  • Songs that reflect your personalities: Your processional songs can also be a way to express your personalities and values. For example, if you are a couple who loves to dance, you might choose a more upbeat and lively song for your processional. Or, if you are a couple who is more traditional, you might choose a more classical or romantic song.
  • Songs that have special meaning: If there are any songs that have special meaning to you or your partner, such as a song from your childhood or a song that reminds you of a loved one, these could also be great choices for your processional songs.
  • Songs that tell your story: Your processional songs can also be a way to tell your love story. For example, you could choose a song that describes how you met, or a song that represents the journey you have been on together.

By choosing processional songs that have personal significance, you can create a ceremony that is truly unique and meaningful to you and your partner.


Here are some frequently asked questions about wedding party processional songs:

Question 1: How many songs should I choose for the processional?
Answer 1: The number of songs you choose for the processional will depend on the length of your processional and the tempo of the songs. A good rule of thumb is to choose one song for every 50-75 guests.

Question 2: What is the best tempo for processional songs?
Answer 2: The tempo of the processional songs should be slow enough to allow the wedding party to walk down the aisle at a comfortable pace, but not so slow that it becomes tedious. A good tempo for processional songs is between 60 and 80 beats per minute.

Question 3: Can I use different songs for the bridesmaids, groomsmen, and bride and groom?
Answer 3: Yes, you can use different songs for the bridesmaids, groomsmen, and bride and groom. This can be a great way to add variety to the processional and to reflect the different personalities of the wedding party.

Question 4: What if I can't find any songs that I like?
Answer 4: If you can't find any songs that you like, you can always hire a musician to create a custom song for you. This can be a great way to get a song that is perfect for your wedding and that reflects your unique style.

Question 5: How do I choose the order of the processional songs?
Answer 5: The order of the processional songs is up to you. However, you may want to consider starting with a more upbeat song for the bridesmaids and groomsmen, and then transitioning to a more romantic song for the bride and groom.

Question 6: What if I want to use a song that has lyrics?
Answer 6: If you want to use a song that has lyrics, it is important to choose lyrics that are meaningful to you and your partner. You may also want to consider having the song performed live so that the lyrics can be heard clearly.

Question 7: What if I want to use a song that is not traditional?
Answer 7: There is no rule that says you have to use traditional songs for your processional. Feel free to choose any song that you like, regardless of its genre or style.

These are just a few of the most frequently asked questions about wedding party processional songs. By following these tips, you can choose songs that will create a beautiful and memorable processional for your wedding.


Here are a few practical tips for choosing wedding party processional songs:

Tip 1: Start early. The sooner you start thinking about your processional songs, the more time you will have to find the perfect songs and to plan the order of the processional.

Tip 2: Consider the style of your wedding. The processional songs should complement the style of your wedding. If you are having a formal wedding, you may want to choose more traditional songs. If you are having a more casual wedding, you may want to choose more contemporary songs.

Tip 3: Get input from your wedding party. Your wedding party will be walking down the aisle to your processional songs, so it is important to get their input on the songs that you choose. They may have some great suggestions, and they will appreciate being involved in the decision-making process.

Tip 4: Practice walking to the songs. Once you have chosen your processional songs, practice walking to them to make sure that the tempo is comfortable and that the songs fit well together.

By following these tips, you can choose wedding party processional songs that will create a beautiful and memorable processional for your wedding.

With careful planning and consideration, you can choose wedding party processional songs that will perfectly reflect your love story and create a truly special moment as you walk down the aisle.


Wedding party processional songs are an important part of the wedding ceremony. They set the tone for the ceremony and help to create a special and memorable moment as the couple walks down the aisle.

When choosing processional songs, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • The style of the wedding
  • The personalities of the couple
  • The lyrics of the songs
  • The tempo of the songs
  • The mood that you want to create
  • The acoustics of the venue
  • The processional order
  • Personal significance

By carefully considering all of these factors, you can choose wedding party processional songs that will create a beautiful and meaningful ceremony that reflects your unique love story.

As you walk down the aisle to your wedding party processional songs, take a moment to cherish this special moment and to celebrate the love that brought you together.

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